
Mostrando las entradas de 2020

A job I would like to do in the future


Post 6: Postgraduate studies

 hello, I'm going talk about a postgraduate I'd like to do in the future, and the truth is that I´ve never thought about doing one, I don´t ever know if I'll be alive hahaha I say this because in general  I hate talking about the future because it makes me anxious, but if I could I'd like to do one on art history and dance specially in another country, I really dream of studying abroad, sometimes I hate Chile hahah and also about teaching, I would like to learn many things  but I dont know if I will do it exactly in the university, I think that the tools of dance are not only found in professionals institutes, but with the search of our own interests that are opening in the way. And life is so rare that I don't even rule out the possibility of studying another career at some moment in my life, maybe something that has nothing to do with dance, who knows? I hope that whatever I choose to specialise in, I can do it well

Video A subject that I enjoyed at school


Post 5: My future job

 I'm afraid to think about the future, I feel that it is very uncertain, just look at this pandemic and how it destroyed many plans :( so I think that I dont want to make expectations of a great future life, I simply want to make an effort for what I want If I could control the future, I would like to giving dance classes, specially to people who do not know dance at all. I know that the road is very difficult  especially in Chile, but I must continue, I'm here even if it is not easy and before that giving classes, I would like to travel and learn abroad and have more experience in dance to be able to teach afterwards and raise to raise money. Something I think about working with childrens, other times I have thought about working with the erderly, and groups of people where it is not easy for them to access dance, because I believe that dance is for everyone and it is a space that the universe gives us to let go of the everyday and make us a little crazy for a little moment in

Post 4 : What are you really into?

My quarantine has been divided because sometimes I do a lot of things, but from everything I have learned in this time I can say that I really like cooking.  Some time ago I didn't know how to cook anything! and when I make the decision to be vegan I discovered new flavours and I fell in love with vegan food. Before I became a vegan, I didn't know what I was eating, and now it's something I've become very interested in, I've taken conscious online courses cooking. I love learning new things and cooking for the people I love. I hope to learn more, and who knows? maybe one day I have a vegan food shop in the south, as a side job, because  I feel there are few opcions for people who don´t consume animals products :( 

The most embarrassing thing I'm willing to admit

 During my pree-teen years, I had many periods of styles of clothes, music, etc. At first I listened to a lot of rock and metal because I wanted to imitate my older brother, but it didn´t last long because it's not my style in general. Then, when I was 12 years old I discovered reggae music, and Bob Marley become my God hahah, I started dressing up with colors like green, yellow and red and flowers everywhere, and watching documentaries about Rastafarian culture and dreaming of filling my head with "rastas". I didn't want to use my phone and nothing technological during this whole period because I wanted to connect with nature ahahah It is very embarrassing to remember because I was really convinced to be a Rastafarian, but I was only 12 years old, and now I see photos and it was very ridiculous how I dressed but I felt very good in that time  The most embarrassing moment I had in this rastafarian period of my life was the last day of classes in the school, there were

Post: My best vacation

 My best vacation was in Pucon in december 2016 when I left school. It was not yet summer, but we had to celebrate with my group of best friends (we were 7) that we had given up PSU and left  a school we always hated, and that we would finally do what we wanted (innocent teenagers) I remember that my parents didn't want me to go because it could be dangerous and I had my study tour with my whole couse recently, but I ended up traveling anyway. We went to Pucon and stayed at a friend's parent's house. We spend a week in Pucón, we didn´t do so many things, just drink alcohol like crazys and enjoy the beach, we had to leave Pucon because the house was going to rent a few days, so we went to Villarrica,Lican Ray, Coñaripe, Caburgua Lake and Calafquén Lake, in those places we camped and did activitis like Canopy and rafting. I think we traveled 3 weeks in total, I'm not sure.  Before this travel I had visited Pucon and all those places but with my family, and this was my fir

Post 6: A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone! I really have many countries in mind that I want to get to know, but the most important for me is England, there are many very good dance schools where I could learn one day. I also love culture in general, the pronunciation of English, the architecture and history and musical artists, like Queen, The Beatles, Eric Clapton, and others that I like very much. I don´t have a specific city to visit, just the only place I want to know if I go someday is "The Making of Harry Potter" and the platform 9 3/4 because I love Harry Potter and it would be to make my childhood dream come true. I really hope to have the experiencie of knowing this country someday, and confirm everything my friends and my family have told me about it, so if I go I hope not to be disappointed and enjoy it to the fullest!! 


Hi everyone, honestly this semester has been very complicated, because all my plans were affected by the pandemic that is affecting the world, but still good things have happened to me like being with my family after two years away from home, and being able to enjoy the south and my home, I have been able to visit those places that I used to frequent since I was a child. The university is one of the things that has not worked well, it has been very difficult and horrible to have  online classes in the middle of a global pandemic, I do not know, sometimes I wonder how necessary in this context is to continue studying and why not stop everything a little :( but whatever... there's nothing I can do  I have had personal achievements, like learning to cook many things, learning about nutrition, growing my own food and taking care of it and also  enjoying reading again and above all I have learned to know and understand myself, those have been my small  achievements for the moment, and I


Hi everyone, I don't have a favorite author because in general I like many authors and they are of differents types, like Pedro Lemebel, J.K Rowling, Gabriel García Márquez, Edgar Allan Poe and others, so it's difficult to choose one.  It's the same with books, I don't have a favourite but I can say that since I'm a little girl, I love all the Harry Potter books, I have them all and my favourite is "The Prisioner of Azkaban", the Harry Potter books have a special meaning for me, because thanks of them I started to like reading, and over time I began to read other types of books, for example horror by Edgar Allan Poe, he is a classic in the school reading and also I like García Márquez, I love his way of describing each situation and characters, I recommend it completely, specially "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" "Relato de un Náufrago" and "Noticia de un Secuestro"are very good books. The last book I read was "Subterra&


It's weird for me to talk about this semester, because,you know, of the pandemic and the quarantine...I honestly didn't like any subject at all, but the problem is not the teachers, the problem is the system and everything that is happening, is not normal, but any way, I have to choose a subject, and I think the one I dislike the least is History of the body of dance and Physical Conditioning. I like history of the body of dance because it has generated spaces of the reflection in the classes, we read differents texts, and watch documentaries and comment on that, although I don't talk much, I like to listen to my classmates, I like History in general, but obviously I would  prefer it to be face to face And I like physical Conditioning because we do yoga and although we've had two classes about it,it's something I'm interested in learning more this discipline later. I wish a had a bigger space to be able to practice it, and that the teacher would correct me mor


When I was a little girl I made something like a buckest list because a saw a movie where a girl did that, so I copied it and on this list I remember writing things like "I want to go to Disney World" or about wanting a specific toy, etc. With  time I stopped writing about it but I was able to live some desires I had as a child, like going to Disney World with my family, I don't remember the details of the trip but I know I was happy at the time. Three years ago I started doing something similar again, because I felt it would help me achieve my personal wishes in life. One of the first things I wrote was about going to college to study dance,so I already have a wish ready. I have written few things because in general I like to be more spontaneous with the moments,just enjoying the moment, so I usually write long term things that I know requiere more effort, like going to live in another country, or paying a travel to my parents because they have given me everything


Hi. I'm going to talk about one of my favorite people in the dance world. Her name is Carolina Contreras, my first contemporary dance teacher. Carolina must be about 35 years old and after a long time dancing and teaching in differents places in Chile, like Concepción or Valparaiso, she moved to Puerto Montt, the place where I met her. I met her when I was 12-13 years old, I don't remember exactly and it was in a free "afro-colombian" dance workshop and she was the teacher. From day one I really liked her classes so I started taking all her classes in Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas, and thanks to her I learned about contemporary dance and the history of many Afro-Latin Dancers. I love the way she teaches and I deeply admire his passion and all that she has lived and learned to be a great artist. She inspired me to study dance and I think I'll always enjoys her classes. <3  In the Pictures you will see an open class that Carolina did in Metri, Carret

Post5: A photograph you like

Hi, today I'm going to talk about my favorite photograph, it was easy for me to think of this picture because it shows Manuel and Esperanza, they're my great-grandparents and the picture shows  smiling and loving look they always had and I remember from them. I don't remember the exact date it was taken, but I know it was taken by my mother in the summer of 2000 at my great-grandparents plot in San Esteban, Los Andes. I love the history of my great-grandparents, I feel lucky to have met them because I could see that they always loved each other in a sincere and respectful way, they had a very particular nickname, he called her "Palomita" and she called him "Palomito" (I don't know why) and they have been the most faithful reflection that I have about love in time, good love, this is the reason why I chose this picture, I like it because I feel that it reflects how happy they were together and that's the memory the whole family has of them.

Post 4: Tv shows and series

Hi! I'm not have any favorite TV show because in general I've never liked to watch tv, and I'm not really sure if I have a favorite serie now but I'm going to talk about a serie that I really liked when I was a little girl and that's serie is Glee. I started watching Glee in 2010, when  I was 11 years old, it's is a long serie with 6 seasons. I liked it because it's about  teenager's life  and their problems, like love, studies, differents dreams, etc and it's also linked to art because some of them are singers or dancers or both. I have seen more series that I have liked but Glee is special because when I see it again I remember how my life was at that time. I have some series that I would like to see, like Dark or Breaking bad but I don't usually give myself the time to watch series, I prefer documentaries. Maybe I'll see them someday, I don't know The last serie I saw was "Sex Education" so if I had to recommend a se

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone! It's complicated for me to think what is my favorite piece of technology because in general I'm not very technologycal but if I had to choose one now, I choose my cellphone. I've had this cellphone since last year, but I didn't used so much, just the usual, to make calls, talk on Whatsapp, take pictures and the most importantly, use the map so I would't get lost in Santiago. In this quarentine, my relationship with my cellphone changed. Now I don't bother using the cellphone, actually I like because I can feel closer to the people I want to be with, it's sad but is the reality now. So I usually make videocalls, specially with my boyfriend who lives in Santiago and my friends. Every day I use my cellphone but just when I talk to other people, listen to music, and do other specific things, not all day. Now I do different things that I didn't used to do before with the apps. For example, I read and learn new recipes in Instagram, then I


When I was 7 years old, I remember that I wanted to be a astronaunt because I loved the stars and looking the sky and the moon. I liked to climb to the roof of my house at night and I usually used my dad's binocular to see better and I remember I thought I could to arrive at the stars. Now I no longer think that I can touch the stars but I still enjoy looking the stars from anywhere. After time, in the school I didn't like to think what to study because I felt a lot of pression from my family, but I always knew I wanted to study dance because it's what I love, but I was afraid of fail. When I left to school I had a free year to decide what to study but I used to prepare for audition in two universities that I was interesed at that time to study dance. My "second option" was to stay to study in Puerto Montt but I don't know what I would have a studied because I don't really have a second option, maybe I would have studied to be veterinarian, I don'

Post 1: My auto biography

Hi!  my name is Paula, I'm 21 years old.  I was born in Puerto Montt, Chile in 1999 and I grew up in this city until I get up 18 years old because I went to live alone in Santiago for my university studies. I'm study Dance in Universidad de Chile since 2018 and I have made a really good friends in this place and I've learned a lot. No one in my family is an artist, we are different between us. I have two brothers. My older brother is a doctor and my little brother goes to the school. One of my hobbies is do it kayak in Llanquihue Lake or Villarica Lake with my dad and ride my bike anywhere. When it's rains I like cooking with my mom for all my family or watch movies and documentaries. I love to climb hills and I enjoy camp where's not there much people. In general I love the nature and the animals, so I'm trying every day to make it possible to take care of the planet and have more sustainable life.