Post 5: My future job

 I'm afraid to think about the future, I feel that it is very uncertain, just look at this pandemic and how it destroyed many plans :( so I think that I dont want to make expectations of a great future life, I simply want to make an effort for what I want

If I could control the future, I would like to giving dance classes, specially to people who do not know dance at all. I know that the road is very difficult  especially in Chile, but I must continue, I'm here even if it is not easy and before that giving classes, I would like to travel and learn abroad and have more experience in dance to be able to teach afterwards and raise to raise money.

Something I think about working with childrens, other times I have thought about working with the erderly, and groups of people where it is not easy for them to access dance, because I believe that dance is for everyone and it is a space that the universe gives us to let go of the everyday and make us a little crazy for a little moment in our lives<3 I wuld like to trasmit that. 


  1. Hello Paula! Yes, the future is uncertain, especially in this time of pandemic, but if you can keep your focus on the goal of your ideas, helping people through dancing, I'm sure you can, of course! =)

  2. Nobody knows what can happen, but at least if you are clear that you want to continue dancing... " Animo animo animo, animo animo animo, One Two, One two three four five " (song) hahaha

  3. Wow I love your thinking about dance! In this times it's hard to think about the future, just don't forget what you want

  4. I love the idea that you want to work with the elderly, I think it is very interesting and could be a very good experience. Bye

  5. You are absolutely right! we don't know what will happen to us in the future :( but the good thing is that dance is never missing in our lives!


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