
Post 6: Postgraduate studies

 hello, I'm going talk about a postgraduate I'd like to do in the future, and the truth is that I´ve never thought about doing one, I don´t ever know if I'll be alive hahaha I say this because in general  I hate talking about the future because it makes me anxious, but if I could I'd like to do one on art history and dance specially in another country, I really dream of studying abroad, sometimes I hate Chile hahah and also about teaching, I would like to learn many things  but I dont know if I will do it exactly in the university, I think that the tools of dance are not only found in professionals institutes, but with the search of our own interests that are opening in the way. And life is so rare that I don't even rule out the possibility of studying another career at some moment in my life, maybe something that has nothing to do with dance, who knows? I hope that whatever I choose to specialise in, I can do it well

Video A subject that I enjoyed at school


Post 5: My future job

 I'm afraid to think about the future, I feel that it is very uncertain, just look at this pandemic and how it destroyed many plans :( so I think that I dont want to make expectations of a great future life, I simply want to make an effort for what I want If I could control the future, I would like to giving dance classes, specially to people who do not know dance at all. I know that the road is very difficult  especially in Chile, but I must continue, I'm here even if it is not easy and before that giving classes, I would like to travel and learn abroad and have more experience in dance to be able to teach afterwards and raise to raise money. Something I think about working with childrens, other times I have thought about working with the erderly, and groups of people where it is not easy for them to access dance, because I believe that dance is for everyone and it is a space that the universe gives us to let go of the everyday and make us a little crazy for a little moment in

Post 4 : What are you really into?

My quarantine has been divided because sometimes I do a lot of things, but from everything I have learned in this time I can say that I really like cooking.  Some time ago I didn't know how to cook anything! and when I make the decision to be vegan I discovered new flavours and I fell in love with vegan food. Before I became a vegan, I didn't know what I was eating, and now it's something I've become very interested in, I've taken conscious online courses cooking. I love learning new things and cooking for the people I love. I hope to learn more, and who knows? maybe one day I have a vegan food shop in the south, as a side job, because  I feel there are few opcions for people who don´t consume animals products :( 

The most embarrassing thing I'm willing to admit

 During my pree-teen years, I had many periods of styles of clothes, music, etc. At first I listened to a lot of rock and metal because I wanted to imitate my older brother, but it didn´t last long because it's not my style in general. Then, when I was 12 years old I discovered reggae music, and Bob Marley become my God hahah, I started dressing up with colors like green, yellow and red and flowers everywhere, and watching documentaries about Rastafarian culture and dreaming of filling my head with "rastas". I didn't want to use my phone and nothing technological during this whole period because I wanted to connect with nature ahahah It is very embarrassing to remember because I was really convinced to be a Rastafarian, but I was only 12 years old, and now I see photos and it was very ridiculous how I dressed but I felt very good in that time  The most embarrassing moment I had in this rastafarian period of my life was the last day of classes in the school, there were

Post: My best vacation

 My best vacation was in Pucon in december 2016 when I left school. It was not yet summer, but we had to celebrate with my group of best friends (we were 7) that we had given up PSU and left  a school we always hated, and that we would finally do what we wanted (innocent teenagers) I remember that my parents didn't want me to go because it could be dangerous and I had my study tour with my whole couse recently, but I ended up traveling anyway. We went to Pucon and stayed at a friend's parent's house. We spend a week in Pucón, we didn´t do so many things, just drink alcohol like crazys and enjoy the beach, we had to leave Pucon because the house was going to rent a few days, so we went to Villarrica,Lican Ray, Coñaripe, Caburgua Lake and Calafquén Lake, in those places we camped and did activitis like Canopy and rafting. I think we traveled 3 weeks in total, I'm not sure.  Before this travel I had visited Pucon and all those places but with my family, and this was my fir