
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020


Hi everyone, I don't have a favorite author because in general I like many authors and they are of differents types, like Pedro Lemebel, J.K Rowling, Gabriel García Márquez, Edgar Allan Poe and others, so it's difficult to choose one.  It's the same with books, I don't have a favourite but I can say that since I'm a little girl, I love all the Harry Potter books, I have them all and my favourite is "The Prisioner of Azkaban", the Harry Potter books have a special meaning for me, because thanks of them I started to like reading, and over time I began to read other types of books, for example horror by Edgar Allan Poe, he is a classic in the school reading and also I like García Márquez, I love his way of describing each situation and characters, I recommend it completely, specially "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" "Relato de un Náufrago" and "Noticia de un Secuestro"are very good books. The last book I read was "Subterra&


It's weird for me to talk about this semester, because,you know, of the pandemic and the quarantine...I honestly didn't like any subject at all, but the problem is not the teachers, the problem is the system and everything that is happening, is not normal, but any way, I have to choose a subject, and I think the one I dislike the least is History of the body of dance and Physical Conditioning. I like history of the body of dance because it has generated spaces of the reflection in the classes, we read differents texts, and watch documentaries and comment on that, although I don't talk much, I like to listen to my classmates, I like History in general, but obviously I would  prefer it to be face to face And I like physical Conditioning because we do yoga and although we've had two classes about it,it's something I'm interested in learning more this discipline later. I wish a had a bigger space to be able to practice it, and that the teacher would correct me mor


When I was a little girl I made something like a buckest list because a saw a movie where a girl did that, so I copied it and on this list I remember writing things like "I want to go to Disney World" or about wanting a specific toy, etc. With  time I stopped writing about it but I was able to live some desires I had as a child, like going to Disney World with my family, I don't remember the details of the trip but I know I was happy at the time. Three years ago I started doing something similar again, because I felt it would help me achieve my personal wishes in life. One of the first things I wrote was about going to college to study dance,so I already have a wish ready. I have written few things because in general I like to be more spontaneous with the moments,just enjoying the moment, so I usually write long term things that I know requiere more effort, like going to live in another country, or paying a travel to my parents because they have given me everything