
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2020

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone! It's complicated for me to think what is my favorite piece of technology because in general I'm not very technologycal but if I had to choose one now, I choose my cellphone. I've had this cellphone since last year, but I didn't used so much, just the usual, to make calls, talk on Whatsapp, take pictures and the most importantly, use the map so I would't get lost in Santiago. In this quarentine, my relationship with my cellphone changed. Now I don't bother using the cellphone, actually I like because I can feel closer to the people I want to be with, it's sad but is the reality now. So I usually make videocalls, specially with my boyfriend who lives in Santiago and my friends. Every day I use my cellphone but just when I talk to other people, listen to music, and do other specific things, not all day. Now I do different things that I didn't used to do before with the apps. For example, I read and learn new recipes in Instagram, then I


When I was 7 years old, I remember that I wanted to be a astronaunt because I loved the stars and looking the sky and the moon. I liked to climb to the roof of my house at night and I usually used my dad's binocular to see better and I remember I thought I could to arrive at the stars. Now I no longer think that I can touch the stars but I still enjoy looking the stars from anywhere. After time, in the school I didn't like to think what to study because I felt a lot of pression from my family, but I always knew I wanted to study dance because it's what I love, but I was afraid of fail. When I left to school I had a free year to decide what to study but I used to prepare for audition in two universities that I was interesed at that time to study dance. My "second option" was to stay to study in Puerto Montt but I don't know what I would have a studied because I don't really have a second option, maybe I would have studied to be veterinarian, I don'

Post 1: My auto biography

Hi!  my name is Paula, I'm 21 years old.  I was born in Puerto Montt, Chile in 1999 and I grew up in this city until I get up 18 years old because I went to live alone in Santiago for my university studies. I'm study Dance in Universidad de Chile since 2018 and I have made a really good friends in this place and I've learned a lot. No one in my family is an artist, we are different between us. I have two brothers. My older brother is a doctor and my little brother goes to the school. One of my hobbies is do it kayak in Llanquihue Lake or Villarica Lake with my dad and ride my bike anywhere. When it's rains I like cooking with my mom for all my family or watch movies and documentaries. I love to climb hills and I enjoy camp where's not there much people. In general I love the nature and the animals, so I'm trying every day to make it possible to take care of the planet and have more sustainable life.